I started watching Disney Channel, which is a channel for children, when i was a teen and among many others, there was a show called Hannah Montana. The show was about a regular teenage girl named Miley Stewart who is also a big pop star with the name Hannah Montana and this side of her identity is completely hidden expect from her family and best friends.
The main Characters of the show are Jackson Stewart, Miley's annoying elder brother, Robbie Ray Stewart, Miley's Dad who was also a famous singer in the past but quit singing, also this guy is also Miley's real dad, Lily Trescot, Miley's best friend and assistant but with a changed name Lola, Oliver Okins, another of Miley's best friend and Rico, a guy of Miley's age but with a very short height who is an evil genius and runs and shack of food and beverages at the beach and where Jackson works.
I loved the show and i still love it. It has four seasons up til now and Ive watched almost every episode. When my cable operator stopped showing Disney Channel, i used to watch the episodes on internet.

The thing is most like about the show is that though it is a kid show but it gives me good laugh and i love her acting plus she is very pretty, duh, and also, i loved her outfits and especially her hair which remained long through season one and two. In the third season she has wavy shoulder length hair which became till her waist again in the fourth season and even though she uses extensions but still she looks good. I liked her hair in the fourth season the most, the brownish auburn hair with highlights, her loose curled waist length locks and her side swept bangs. She acts so naturally and frankly though some people thinks she is over-acting.

First two seasons, Miley looked like a cute kid in the first two seasons but by third and fourth season, Miley started wearing make up and looked mature and hot. "sweet nibblets" and "say what" are the dialogues she used to say a lot. Maybe there are others too but cant remember them right now. In the fourth season, they changed their house and moved to Malibu and i loved the house. Miley is originally from Nashville, Tennessee and hence she has a southern accent. Someone once asked me why i like the show Hannah Montana so much and i said that's because they present life from lighter side.
Getting famous from her show, which was the most popular show on the Disney Channel as none of the other shows got turned into movies, a movie was made of the show, Hannah Montana The Movie.
Her next movie was The Last Song and she gave her voice in the animation movie, Bolt. Miley is probably the most famous among her Disney co-stars like Hilary Duff, Selena Gomez, Raven Simone, Ashley Tisdale, Vennessa Hudgens and Demi Lovato because none of these actresses got as much fame in acting and singing collectively as Miley did and for the record, she was among the richest celebrities at one time.

Though she started as an actor but she is now more popular because of her singing. She has deep vocals that makes her singing good and she got the singing talents from her dad who was also a singer. The first ever Miley's song i loved was "best of both worlds" which shows in the start of the show. I love the songs, "can't be tamed", "let's dance", "see you again", "party in the USA", "if we were a movie", "the climb", "this is the life" and some others which i don't remember at the moment. She also has her autobiography written, Miles To Go, but i haven't read that. And I'm also of the opinion that Miley is a Free Mason.

I know there are also a few controversies attached to her name but celebrities are nothing without controversies and i don't like her because she's perfect, nobody's perfect, which by the way is also one of her songs, the point is, i just like the laugh that the show gives, her songs and her style, that's all!
u realy look so good