Monday, March 17, 2014

A Generation Has Ended

One month since my grandmother passed away. Time flies.

We were used to seeing her around, in our house, so much that its more of disbelief at her absence rather than sadness.

I was the only grandchild out of so many who spent the most time with her because others were far away or too young. And it is something I will cherish forever. I have lived all my life with her, growing up watching her, learning from her. Always helping her with her chores, always just a call from her window away. Ive taken down Quran for her from the top shelf because at one time I got taller than her, Ive pressed her legs, Ive made her breakfast everyday at sharp 9am for two years, Ive helped her walk, Ive written countless letters for her to her daughters n then going to the post office on my bicycle, telling her time after every minute, Ive also got annoyed sometimes but only when I was older n more worldly.

I never went to an exam before going to her first n asking for her prayers. She once wrote A-Z n showed it to me n only X was missing. She knew my complete schedule, when I'm coming back from office n university, where I'm going. She took interest in everything I did,why I'm wearing brown nail color n why not red :-)

The memories are endless but I'm glad I have them. I don't want them to faint away but recalling them is too painful.

My grandmother was kind; that's a word fit for only her and no other. She was a wonderful woman, always helpful to everyone, never hurting anyone n this is my own observation from when I was a little kid n not a general statement. The simplicity of her life will not be seen anymore. Now that I think of it, I was close to old times because of her.

A generation has ended with her, a connection lost. Her loss will always be felt but shes resting in peace n in a much better place now so its a great reassurance. May her soul rest in peace.

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