Friday, March 23, 2012

Books i Regretted Buying/Reading

The Hidden War

Okay, that was a judgmental error. From what I conferred from an overview of the back cover, I thought this book has accounts of a Russian soldier who was there during Soviet-Afghan War and got impressed by Afghans. I bought this book hastily thinking it will tell me more about Afghans and Talibans as this one of my favorite subjects. Turned out, this book is about a Russian soldier recollecting what hardships Soviet troops had to face in that hostile, far-away land. Now, I'm sure it would be an interesting read for someone interested in the subject but for me, probably it was the disappointment which made me put down this book to not take it up again for a long time or forever.

Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

I know what all the Twilight-haters must be thinking. How could I! :D Yes, people! I was a Twi-fan once. Guilty is charged. But i assure you I'm free from that disease now, recovered completely :D So i thought i have read all the four Twi-books, why not read this one as well. What made me curious was its name. I had read about Bree Tanner in one of the books where she was burned. From the book's name, i thought it would be something about how she stayed alive even after the fire somehow and her short life until she was found again and burnt. Instead, the book was about how she was turned into a vampire and her side of the story until her short vampire life was ended when she was burnt. It was just a ridiculous attempt by the author to cash her name and earn a little more with this book, a chapter, she says, lying in her archives. Overall, it was a uninteresting read.

The Forbidden Love

One of friend's say that I'm a feminist when we are arguing about men and women but i bought this book and liked reading Daughters of Arabia by Jean Sasson because Arab countries and Middle East are one of my favorite places and countries and cultures and not because i like to read feminist stuff (I don't because I'm not a feminist). I always want to know more about the Arab world. So the two reasons why i bought this particular book was first, i thought i will find a good love story in it, second, because i thought i might get to know more about Jordan.

Although it wasn't impressive from the start but i read it nevertheless as it is my strong belief that we shouldn't judge a book by reading only the first few pages. So i continued reading it and the story kept unfolding until there came a point where the author started getting blasphemous about how Islam does not do this and that. Though not much of a practicing Muslim, i have a strong, unshakable faith which does not allow me to tolerate blasphemy. It was at this time that i put this book down feeling disgusted, never to take up again.     

Message in a Bottle

I have one word statement for this, Same Old Same Old. Dear Mr. Sparks, an advice: it would be nice if you start writing stories which are not ALL THE SAME PROBABLY!!! The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, all are the same and I'm done reading this author. For a long time i liked watching movies based on his books but not anymore because they offer nothing new. If he were any good, i would have loved to read his other books too. The fact that it was a love story of a middle aged man and woman wasn't much help either.

So here it is. It's not like all the other so many books I've read were all exceptional, but these particular ones were a big no-no.

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