Friday, March 16, 2012

Lord of the Rings

Finally! I bought all three parts of Lord of the Rings. I had bought Hobbit years and years ago and I kept it that I will read it when I will have all three LTR books and I got late in buying until I could find it at some cheap rate :P My friends offered me that they can borrow the books from them but I have to own the books I read, hence I waited.

So now that I have bought it, let’s see when I will actually get to read it because I know how much of an amazing read these books will be and I also know that I will have those feelings in greater quantity which I had while watching these movies. Deep, dark, blue, depressing and having-you-bite-your-nails kinna feelings. There is also The Similirion which should be read before both of these. Let’s hope this thought doesn’t grow on me like the one that I have to read Hobbit and LTR together :P

P.S. The fact that I have a lot of unread books lying in my shelf waiting for me to read them, me buying new books quite frequently and me reading several books parallel and letting some stay unattended for long is no help :-)  

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